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Template Analysis


    variables: Refs,
    local_variables: Refs,
    global_variables: Refs,
    failed_visits: NameRefs,
    unloadable_partials: NameRefs,
    filters: NameRefs,
    tags: NameRefs

The result of analyzing a template using BoundTemplate.analyze.

Each of the following properties is a dictionary mapping variable, tag or filter names to a list of tuples. Each tuple holds the location of a reference to the name as (template name, line number). If a name is referenced multiple times, it will appear multiple times in the list. If a name is referenced before it is "assigned", it will appear in local_variables and global_variables.


All referenced variables, whether they are in scope or not. Including references to names such as forloop from the for tag.

TYPE: Refs


Template variables that are added to the template local scope, whether they are subsequently used or not.

TYPE: Refs


Template variables that, on the given line number and "file", are out of scope or are assumed to be "global". That is, expected to be included by the application developer rather than a template author.

TYPE: Refs


Names of AST Node and Expression objects that could not be visited, probably because they do not implement a children method.

TYPE: NameRefs


Names or identifiers of partial templates that could not be loaded. This will be empty if follow_partials is False.

TYPE: NameRefs


All filters found during static analysis.

TYPE: NameRefs


All tags found during static analysis.


ReferencedVariable(_: object)

Bases: str

A str subclass for variables found during static analysis.

parts property

parts: IdentifierTuple

A tuple representation of the variable's parts.

parts might contain nested tuples for nested variables. For example, the variable some[[a.b]].other as a tuple would look like this:

("some", ("foo", "bar", ("a", "b")), "other.thing")

Refs module-attribute

Refs = Dict[ReferencedVariable, List[Location]]

A mapping of template variables to their (template_name, line_number) locations.

NameRefs module-attribute

NameRefs = Dict[str, List[Location]]

A mapping of template, tag or filter names to (template_name, lineno) locations.


    all_variables: Dict[str, int],
    local_variables: Dict[str, int],
    undefined_variables: Dict[str, int],
    filters: Dict[str, int]

The result of analyzing a template using BoundTemplate.analyze_with_context.

Each of the following properties is a dictionary mapping variable or filter names to the number of times that variable was referenced.


All variables references along a path through the template's syntax tree.

TYPE: Dict[str, int]


The names of variables assigned using the built-in assign capture, increment or decrement tags, or any custom tag that uses Context.assign().

TYPE: Dict[str, int]


The names of variables that could not be resolved. If a name is referenced before it is assigned, it will appear in undefined and assigns.

TYPE: Dict[str, int]


Names of filters found during contextual analysis.

TYPE: Dict[str, int]


    env: Environment,
    name: str,
    tokens: List[Token],
    inner_tags: Optional[InnerTagMap] = None

The result of analyzing a template's tags with Environment.analyze_tags().

Each of the following properties maps tag names to a list of their locations. Locations are (template_name, line_number) tuples.

Note that raw tags are not included at all. The lexer converts them to text tokens before we get a chance to analyze them.

Also be aware that reported unexpected_tags don't handle the possibility of an "inner" tag appearing in a partial template (using {% include %}), where appropriate enclosing block tags are in the parent template.


A mapping of all tags to their locations. Includes "end", "inner" and unknown tags.


A mapping of tag names to their locations. Excludes "end" and "inner" tags.


Block tags that don't have a matching "end" tag.


Inner tags that are not properly enclosed by appropriate block tags. For example, an {% else %} that is not enclosed by a {% for %} or {% unless %} block.


Tags that are unknown to the environment.